
I have an old style Japanese room with some sliding door closets in my house.  I feared the sliding doors opening a little in my childhood. The narrow and dark space between the doors made me really uneasy. Somebody was watching me from the dark space and inviting me to another world,I believed. Now there’s nothing fearful behind the doors, nobody calling me from the dark, but I sometimes miss the sense in my childhood.How was  there? Who was there? I imagined. Using collage works, the work of animation has been constructed.
2021 名古屋学芸大学卒業・修了制作展 上映
2021 add2021 上映
2021 大名古屋電脳博覧会2021 上映
2021 学生アニメーション映画祭 ICAF 観客賞第5
2021 イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル2021 東アジア・エクスペリメンタル・コンペティション
   SHIBUYA SKY賞 / 名古屋会場観客賞

2021 学生CGコンテスト アート部門 ノミネート
2021 ISCA2021 入選作
2022 Golden Pin Concept Design Award Design Mark Winners選出​​​​​​​