
When I’m absent-minded with no thinking,I sometimes feel as if my senses apart from my body and get into another world. Although I’m awake, only my senses go away without my body, just like a day-dream. How my senses get out my body? Where will I go freely without my body? What will I see? I wondered and imaged. Using photos and moving image, I tried to express the scene of the day-dream that changes at random. My senses travel in another world that is unusual and scary, sometimes sweet.
2019 名古屋学芸大学3年次制作展 『ゼミ展』 優秀賞 
2019 Moving Image Festival 2019 名古屋特別プログラム 上映 
2020 add2020 上映
2020 ASK?映像祭2020 大賞 
2020 ICAF2020 各校選抜プログラム 上映 
2020 ASIAGRAPH2020 入選 
2020 イメージフォーラム《ヤング・パースペクティヴ2020 上映
2020 インターリンク:学生映像作品展[ISMIE]2020 オンライン上映